LIME Light Outreach was founded by LIME Painting CEO, Nick Lopez, as a way to extend the company’s core values of Love, Integrity, Mission and Excellence (L.I.M.E.) beyond just a concept and putting these values into action by incorporating LIME Light Outreach, Inc.
LIME actively seeks out donations and other forms of financial support that can be used to fund local missions that directly benefit youth in the area.
LIME Light networks with like-minded nonprofits. By forming strategic partnerships with other organizations that share its passion for improving the lives of youth, LIME can collaborate on powerful events, campaigns, and media initiatives.
LIME actively advocates for the local youth around its four pillars of FAITH, FAMILY, PATRIOTISM, and PROSPERITY. Through outreach programs, community events, and social media campaigns, the organization raises awareness about the importance of these core values and their impact on the well-being of young people.
The nonprofit’s mission is to empower and help children and young adults through various channels, and to build awareness around LIME’s four pillars of knowledge, FAITH, FAMILY, PATRIOTISM, and PROSPERITY.
LIME Light works with like-minded nonprofits to impact youth through powerful events, campaigns, and media.
As a values based nonprofit, LIME believes the youth need an outpouring of knowledge, because knowledge is power. Ultimately, a newfound knowledge will allow the local youth to pave a path to prosperity.
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