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Lead Paint Removal in Castle Rock, CO

Protecting families from the harmful effects of lead paint with the support of our lead paint removal services in Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Lone Tree, Parker, and the surrounding areas

Completing a painting project the right way goes beyond the preparation and application. Homes built before 1978 that contain lead pose a health hazard not just for the craftsmen working on the jobsite, but for anyone living in the home as well.  Protecting your loved ones is as easy as contacting LIME Painting for our renowned lead paint removal services. Our crew of painters have gone through extensive training to become EPA Lead RRP Certified experts. If you’d like to learn more about the EPA certification process, you can visit their site to review their Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) rules.

Contact Us Today!

What Is Lead?

Lead is an additive used in paints applied prior to 1978. It is detrimental to the environment, people, and animals which can lead to serious health complications. Since then, the EPA has mandated that contractors working on homes built prior to 1978 test the paint on the property for lead. If the paint tests positive, the jobsite should be treated as a biohazard workspace.  A biohazard workspace seems intimidating, but with a professional company that provides lead paint removal and is EPA Lead Certified, the process of protecting homeowners is seamless!

What Does It Mean for the Jobsite If Your Paint Has Lead?

If your home tests positive for lead, our crew will wear body suits and respirators to protect their lungs and keep lead dust off their clothing. The most crucial step of the lead paint removal process, however, is containing and disposing of the paint chips. Our team will collect these chips as they are scraped and place them in hazmat bags, which we will then transport to a hazardous waste facility.

Lead RRP Certification is unique in that it avoids processes such as power washing, which scatters paint chips and dust. Instead of power washing, a deep scrub with bristle brushes is used to clean the property.

The LIME Advantage

The advantage of working with a LIME Advisor is that they are trained to assess and test for lead. Your Advisor will also provide a custom detailed scope of work for your home before the project is undertaken to appropriately complete your home in accordance with EPA lead requirements. Additionally, the Advisor will audit each phase of the job to ensure that the scope of work is completed to your satisfaction.

Although lead paint may change the course of your project, LIME always keeps QUALITY at the forefront and provides a client experience that is unmatched. Working with LIME on a lead-based project is easy, enjoyable, and refreshing! For any Lead RRP Certification needs or to get your home tested by our lead paint removal services, please reach out to one of our specialists today by filling out our online contact form or by calling our office from the phone number listed below. Our team can’t wait to support you in making your home safe from any hazards!

*All members are trained for the use of lead-safe work practices and certified in following all specific work practice standards.

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